AA: Welcome all! I am very excited to introduce you to Benjamin, the Crown Prince of Allura! Welcome, your highness.
B: Thank you for ... having me. *shifts* I am a little concerned about some of these questions after hearing Nicholas and Collins talking.
AA: *pats his hand* Why would you be concerned about that?
B: I know you.
AA: *snickers* First question! This question was asked by both @bookish.believer and @bookslifeandchrist. They would like to know what your favorite book is beside the Holy Writ.
B: All of them.
AA: ... care to elaborate?
B: *leans forward with elbows on knees* They are all so unique and different. It would be akin to asking me to pick a favorite person.
AA: Aurora is your favorite person.
B: *growls* Poor example.
AA: *smirks* Moving on. @bookish.believer wants to know how Aurora is enjoying reading the books in the library.
B: She is enjoying them quite well.
AA: She also wants to know the best way to keep Collins from bothering you.
B: *deadpans* You hide and hope he can't find you.
AA: *laughs but stops abruptly* Oh, you're serious.
B: Perfectly.
AA: Ooookay then. @effie.joe.stock.books wants to know what musical instrument you would consider learning and why?
B: The lute. It is elegant, portable, and Aurora once mentioned she likes the sound of it.
AA: Aw, that's adorable.
B: *rolls eyes*
AA: @bookslifeandchrist wants to know ... oh dear.
B: What?
AA: You're not gonna like it!
B: Tell me.
AA: She wants to know if you'd marry her if Aurora wasn't in your life.
B: ... is she threatening my wife?
AA: Ah ... no?
B: *glares broodily at the ground* She better hope she's not.
AA: Well, she also wants to know why you're so attractive...
B: *raises a brow*
AA: And what first attracted you to Aurora?
B: *visibly relaxes* She was so frightened, yet she cared herself with grace. She was born to be a queen. I think that was the first thing I noticed. Also ... her freckles were ... quite attractive.
AA: You can deny it all you want, but you two are adorable.
B: *shrugs*
AA: @pageschaptersbooks wants to know if you prefer chocolate or vanilla.
B: Chocolate or vanilla what?
AA: Whatever.
B: It depends.
AA: Why do you enjoy being so vague?
B: *smirks*
AA: Ugh, you and your brothers are just ... something.
B: Now who's being vague.
AA: *glares* @two.ten.atelier wants to know if you prefer fiction or nonfiction.
B: Nonfiction unless I'm reading to Aurora. She prefers fairytales and the like.
AA: She also wants to know how you feel about being the future king of Allura.
B: I'm not as terrified as the notion as I once was. Having a woman like Aurora at my side has ... changed things.
AA: I'm aware. *smiles* Okay, @midnightwritelight wants you to know that you are one of the few broody characters that she likes.
B: Thank you?
AA: She also want to know if Aurora was the first woman you were interested in or if there was another before her.
B: I never had much interest in women. When Father put together that insane contest, I was not pleased.
AA: But than Nicholas ...
B: Yes. Della certainly intrigued me, but she was far too opinionated for my taste. She's perfect for Nicholas though. I suppose you could say she opened me up to pursuing romance in a way.
AA: @yeetarandomwriter wants to know if you have any tips on being mysterious.
B: Listen more, talk less.
AA: *gestures* It's working for you.
B: Good.
AA: @a_thousand_words_431 wants to know ... oh goodness.
B: Another marriage proposal?

AA: Yep. You had two. That's more than your brothers. Collins is gonna have a fit.
B: Oh, please, let me tell him. *smirks*
AA: That smile is terrifying, just so you know.
B: *chuckles* Are we almost done here? I have a mountain of paperwork to finish before tonight.
AA: Noted. Okay, two more from @a_thousand_words_431 . She wants to know what inspired your love for books.
B: Mainly, a way to escape the world around me. It was never a bad life, living as a prince of Allura, but it could grow lonely. Retreating into books was a breath of fresh air in a stale atmosphere.
AA: You're a poet, Ben. Okay, last one. What's your worst fear?
B: Not being able to protect those I love. I would do anything for my wife, brothers, and sisters-in-law. They mean everything to me.
AA: Aw, Ben. *dabs at eyes* Thank you so much for coming. I know this was out of your comfort zone
B: *smiles* It was, but it was also enjoyable.
AA: Tell Aurora hi for me! Enjoy a cup of warm milk too! *winks*
B: *bows and leaves*
AA: Thank you all for reading this! I hope you enjoyed learning more about Prince Benjamin! Tune in for one final interview sometime soon!